Monday, September 29, 2014

Week 1 Practice: Project Inventory

Week 1 Exploration: Web Basics


Honestly, after watching the tutorial “Web Design Fundamentals” I was a little overwhelmed. Even though I was overwhelmed I know I can do this because I have felt this way before in the beginning of many of my classes and ended up doing just fine. I am glad we are learning this so I can improve my learning skills within Media Communications. I plan to use the web to help build up my Online Promotion Company my husband and I run currently. I would like to also one day be a photojournalist and I think having basic knowledge of the web will be a huge asset in my success.

I would like to know more about the Visual Designing he was talking about in the tutorial and the differences between Visual Designing and UX Designing. I would also like to learn more about CSS and HTML as well, as those seem to pop up a lot in things I read online that go to my interests. Really I am interested in learning more about everything just for the fact that I think the more knowledge you have the better you can be for a company or a company of your own.

I defiantly think I will go into starting my project a different way after watching this tutorial. I don’t know really anything about web design, watching this tutorial was a little overwhelming but at the same time gave me the confidence I needed to know I can achieve this and be happy the ending results. I am glad we were given this tutorial because I was unsure of how I was going to start my assignment. I feel more comfortable going into it now that I have watched the tutorial.