Sunday, February 22, 2015

MCBS Blog Post

When I took Graphic Design and Communications we were learning how to work with Photoshop which was something I had little experience in at the time. I enjoyed working with this piece and using the different tools available within Photoshop. I created this banner to fit a Facebook cover photo for a business my husband and I run together. I am adding this piece to my portfolio because it is something I use to promote my business and can benefit my future business. I changed the font and decided to go with Noteworthy and a different font to make the name of the business stand out. I changed the coloring and text from when I first created it. I don't remember the feedback because we took the class a while ago. I chose this piece to be added to my portfolio because this is something I would like to use to promote my business. I am seeking a 1 Star Rating for my project.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

MCBS Portfolio Submission.

I would like to submit this project for a 1 star rating to my MCBS Portfolio. I created this a few months ago in Professional Communication and Presentation. I feel this piece should be added to my Portfolio because it helps an employer get to know me and my qualifications in a short amount of time. I created this project with Keynote and searched for different pictures online to add to my presentation as well as some of my own personal photos. I got really good feedback on this assignment from my instructor and my peers I haven't made any changes to the project because I didn't have any suggestions and I felt happy with the outcome of the project. Please share any feedback that could be helpful to making my Professional Persona Presentation better.

Link to my Slide Share presentation.