Monday, April 29, 2013

WK4 Peer Feedback

Below is the link to Melanie's video from WK3.

Melanie WK3 Digital Story

Hello Melanie and Readers,

I really enjoyed the video that Melanie created. I thought everything went well together and flowed good. I like how she put music to play in the background of her voice over. I can relate to Melanie by wanting to further my education and getting more experience because like Melanie I have been turned down from many jobs for lack of experience. If I could suggest something I would say maybe you should try to take more photos that you took personally to go with your work so it shows more of what you want and not just what you can find on Flickr. I had a hard time finding photos on Flickr for my assignment and chose to take clip art from PowerPoint along with photos I took myself which made my project a little easier to put together. Another thing I would like to suggest is to expand your story some you could’ve explained a little more why you chose to work in media. Was it something you have done before and really enjoyed? Or was it because the job market in media is a big demand? I agree with Melanie when she says she will not give up if she doesn’t land the first job she applies for after graduating. I believe if you can acquire an interning position whether it be paid or unpaid while you’re in school at Full Sail University it will help you gain some experience so when the time comes you have some experience in the field you’re trying to obtain a position in. All in all I thought your story and video were great you did wonderful putting everything together and choosing a jingle to accompany your voice over.  I wish Melanie the best of luck on her journey at Full Sail University and in the workforce upon graduating.


Mandee Rodriguez

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