Sunday, March 27, 2016

Week 4 Project: MultiMedia Career Advice Blog

In November 2012 I started my first class at Full Sail University to obtain my Bachelor’s of Science in Media Communications. Next month in May, I will be a graduate of the program. Over the last 4 years I have strengthened my skills needed to be successful in the industry. During my time at Full Sail University I won 3 Course Directors Awards for my hard work and dedication to the courses.

I have always had a love of photography, writing, and being able to work on computers with online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. The Media Communications degree is what I would call the Swiss Army knife of degrees. I call it this because we went into depth about Photojournalism, Public Relations, Editing, Content Developing, Social Media Coordinating, and much more. You can see the different career opportunities available to someone with a Bachelor’s of Science in Media Communications here.
Full Sail given me the opportunity to learn several different skills and put them into what I love most Journalism and Photography. If I had no contacted Full Sail in 2012 I would not know what I know now or have the skills to be able to get a job doing what I love most.

I have created a Professional Portfolio that includes some of the work I created during my time as a student. My professional Resume is also included on the portfolio for potential employers.
Full Sail has also prepared me to be ready for interviews by teaching me how to gather important information on a company before going in to interview with them for a position. These are skills that I knew before but now I can say that my basic interviewing skills I once had are now more professional and I have the education to back up my experience. I was shown how to put my resume and cover letter together so it wasn’t too busy or long.

Interviewing can be nerve wrecking for most. I can honestly say when I was hit with the question “What do you know about our company?” I would be speechless, now I know to do my homework on the company before interviewing with them so I am not answering with “I’m not sure can you tell me a little about the company.”

Tip 1: Maintain a professional atmosphere when interviewing with a company. Dress professionally and be sure to bring in a copy of your resume for the interviewer.

Tip 2: Do you homework, research the company get background information on them and find out what it is they do there. Don’t walk in unprepared for any question they may throw at you.

Tip 3: Maintain great eye contact with your interviewer. This is something that shows the employer you’re serious about the position with their company and it shows them you’re confident in yourself. Ask questions show the employer you mean business.

This article is something I have read recently several times before interviewing with a company. 

I am very blessed that I had the opportunity to attend Full Sail University. I was able to get to know several instructors who pushed me to do my best. I also met many students who I will network with for years to come. It was hard work but I wouldn’t be where I am today had I not attended Full Sail.


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