Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Review

Hello Leah,

I really enjoyed your Mock Interview it was put together nicely. The place you chose to record was professional and the lighting was nice. At first, I was a little confused as to why you were wearing two different outfits then I realized you were playing the interviewer part with a different outfit on, that is a brilliant idea I wish I would have done that myself. Is Ignite USA a big corporation? I haven’t heard of the company before they sound like a great company to choose. Are they someone local to your area? I am really interested in learning more about the company.

Your tone in the video is awesome! You sound upbeat and exciting about interviewing with the company. By your interview I can tell you did a lot of research on the company so you were prepared for any questions they threw at you about the company and their background. Normally, I would have something to suggest but I really thought your video was awesome I couldn’t pick out anything I would suggest for you to do differently, except I might have let a little natural light inside to help make it a little brighter. Other than that I think it was immaculate. I can defiantly tell you spent a great amount of time rehearsing and putting together everything for your Mock Interview.

If I were the interviewer for this company you would defiantly be one of the top candidates for the position for which you were applying. I would like to congratulate you on your graduation this month and I wish you the best on your career path from here on out. I know by watching this you will be very successful. Here’s to a happy, successful future to you! I enjoyed having the chance to review your work.

Mandee Rodriguez

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