Friday, November 21, 2014

WK4 Reflection: Publish Final Draft

Above is the trailer for my short story.

Here is the link to my rabbit hole.

I really enjoyed this assignment, I had a lot of fun creating it and talking to friends and family about what I should do in it. If I would have had the time to revise this assignment I would add some more audio. After reviewing another students work I enjoyed the audio she made of her story I thought it was a cool way of telling a story when I created mine I thought it needed to have more video, comics, and visuals because I am a visual person however, how she did her audio was really neat and made me want to add that to my story. I wanted to make my comic a little longer and add an ending to it so people could see what happened in the end however, as I stated in other blog posts I had a hard time finding places to create videos and comics the way I wanted them I had to do the best I could with what I had available to me.

I hope to spend some time in the near future going of more Transmedia Storytelling information this was a subject that I really enjoyed and could see myself doing in a career.

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