Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week 1 Exploration: Web Designer & Serial Entrepreneur

The purpose of this activity was to show us other information on businesses that were started up by people just like us with an idea and the will to succeed. I really enjoyed these case studies they gave me some ideas of what to and what not to do with my business. 

Review for Soapbxx

I have so many ideas I would like to do with my husband to start up our own business from a photography business to Social Media handling for businesses that need help getting everything started, kept up to date, etc. After reading this case it really gave me the inspiration I needed and some good tips on having employees and being able to pay yourself as well.

I think by budgeting and making a strong business plan it will help my business to be successful without over spending, not bringing in enough to pay employees, etc. By keep everything in order and having my finances in order this will help my company to be more successful. I believe organization is an important key to someone or a business being successful.

After seeing this case study I will make some changes to my business plans I have for myself. I know by starting a business there will be many risks to take and by getting all the information I can before hand will help me to not make common start up mistakes.

Review for Cloudred

I like how he said he took a “leap of faith.” I agree moving on from working for a Cooperation for years to owning your own business is a leap of faith because you don’t know will happen a year down the road or even 10 years.

Hiring someone else to help you with work with a big client is always a risk you never know if the person will deliver or not. For myself, I like to just complete all the work myself so I know it gets done and I know it is done the way I like it and if anything bad comes of it I only have myself to blame.

I don’t think I would alter too much from reading this case study. To be honest it didn’t have as much information as the first case study for Soapbxx.

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