Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Review

I am providing feedback for Lauren Benzo’s WK3 Project. First, I would like to start off by saying I enjoyed having the chance to be able to work with you and review your work this month. I think your company will do well in today’s market with social media blowing up and a lot of people still not understanding how to successfully use social media with their businesses. Teaching a business owner or someone of their choosing to run this portion of their business is always smart but sometimes business’ don’t realize how important social media can be in building up a business.

I was curious as to what the letters “D.Y.M.E.” stood for in your business name I don’t recall seeing if there is any meaning at all or if they are just letters you put together. I saw a few grammar and spelling issues that could be fixed such as when you mention you could film “in the whole state of New York.” Correctly, it should be “State of New York.” These are all common issues and typos that happen so it is always important to have someone read over your work if possible or try to proof read it for yourself. I do understand sometimes others can catch common mistakes you don’t notice because they haven’t been working on the project as long as you have.

Gorilla Marketing is a great way to get information out about your business. I have found this way of marketing to work quickly and effectively if you stay on top of everything. I really liked the way you put together your finances now that I have seen your project I need to go back and make some revisions on my own you gave me several great ideas. I think you did a great job putting everything together. I would just proof read the information one last time as stated above. It was great to work with you this month.

Mandee Rodriguez

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