Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Self-Evaluation

Hello Everyone,

This is my WK3 self-evaluation; I really enjoyed everything we worked on in this class. I feel the information we gained in this class will be really helpful when creating business plans for our own company or possibly someone else’s. I had a great attitude going into all the projects and assignments we worked on this month. Sadly, I did have a lot of personal issues that kept me from being able to work on everything the amount of time I would like too but I did screen shot the steps and saved everything so I can go back at a later date when I have more time to work on the different things I would have liked to spend more time on.

I would have like to have been able to make my company a nice logo, since this is a company I do plan on opening one day I feel a logo is something important I need to stamp on the photos so they can’t be edited and so that I am able to add it to my business plan and my social media pages, blog, and website.

I think by exploring the different activities we did I was able to learn many things I didn’t know how to create or work on before. I also learned the importance of having everything nice, neat, and organized when going into a lender to get funding for m business. Having a business plan will show the lenders the plans of my business and how I plan on keeping the business running without going into debt.  

I know I will use almost all the information I learned in this class in my future career. I do plan to open this Photography business one day and now I have the first steps started to getting me going on my business plan. Although, there are some things I would like to change on my plan after reviewing some of the other students work I will now have the ideas and soon the time to sit down and put all this into place.

I look forward to taking the next class these past few classes have taught me so much helpful information I have even been able to use with a side business I just started of my own with another company. I am glad I had the chance to work with you all this month. I wish you all the best in these net few classes before graduation.

Mandee Rodriguez

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