Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Week 2 Exploration: Photography & Adventure Travel

This assignment was to show us background of other companies and show us what has worked for them and what hasn't worked. In the studies you will find success and failure. These assignments give us ideas of what to look out for hen we one-day start up our business. I enjoyed working on this one!

Review- Photography

I can relate with the photographer at Junshien Photography, since I also have an interest in having my own photography business. After reading that opening his photography business has been worth it and a dream come true for him. It motivates me to work harder towards my dream. From what I gathered it seems like the key to success in a business such as photography is connecting with your clients and listening to their needs so you can best accommodate your client and get repeat business. I don’t think I will alter my business plan in any way after reading this case.

Review- Travel
This case study shows a lot of common mistakes people make when starting up a business. I often ask myself, “Can you really plan to have a successful business?” I believe you can, but this isn’t something that happens overnight and it's not something that will happen without putting in hard work and dedication. I think after reading this review I am going to look more into my marketing plan for my business. I agree marketing is an important key to success. I will take each step of the process of my business with caution and always look out for new ways to enhance my services.

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