Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 3 Exploration: Graphic Designer & Artist Coach

Sparky Firepants Images

The only thing that really caught my eye about this company is the income and how it went up $10,000 in the first year and then close to $30,000 the second year. After reading how hearing how he said the smartest decision he made was not posting his work on Craigslist or other websites to help bring in business. I am a firm believer of using social media, your website, flyers, and word of mouth. I don’t think I will alter my business plan after seeing this one. My aim is in a totally different direction and each industry has different tricks and rules to go by to be successful.

Room on The Edge- Artist Coach

I enjoyed the review for this company she has a lot of good information and insight’s that could help my business. I love how she has similar situations as myself 2 small boys just trying to make ends meet and be able to be home with her family while making money. It was very inspiring to read the part where she lost all her clients,  but she didn’t give up she found other ways to generate new clients and bring money into her business, that’s something I can admire. Most would have given up and not even looked back. I feel most of her issues were money issues and the timing not being right. From this I will make myself a 6-12-18-24 month goals for my company and where I would like to be within each time frame within my company.

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