Wednesday, October 29, 2014

GTS Week 1 Practice A

After looking at my assignment from Project Management and the other assignments we worked on I remember that brainstorming was a huge factor in beginning any project. Being able to lay everything out you need to work on for your project will let you see on paper what needs to be done. As for me when I make a list of things I need to complete I often find room to add more that I think will improve the outcome of my project.

For my fairy tale assignment I plan to brainstorm and gather all information needed to complete my project so I can lay out a timeline of what I want to do. By doing this it will help me with time management which is a very important step when working on any project. I will have an idea of what needs to be done for each particular section and be able to put a guesstimate time limit so I know how much time I need to set aside to complete each project. It is very important as a professional to be able to meet deadlines and complete astounding professional work.
Another important detail is being creative, it is important to be able to open your mind and think of all possibilities when creating a project and can be vital to your success. You need to know how to plan, budget, and brainstorm to assure each and every project is completed on time and within the budget allowed. Going into this assignment I feel confident on the outcome with the knowledge I have gained from Project Management and other classes I have completed. Now it’s time to get to work and lay everything out so I can get started on the main parts of my project!

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