Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week 3 Exploration: Digging Deeper

The three articles I chose for this activity were Creating a Successful Online Portfolio, Useful Glossaries for Web Designers and Developers, and Mood Boards for Designers. I chose these articles because to me theses are very important things to know for success in my business. Knowing how to create a successful online portfolio is vital to be able to make it as a successful entrepreneur, showing potential clients my background and project history can play a huge part in if I get the job or not and how much I will be earning for the job. Being able to have the knowledge of Web Design and Development is important not only for building a client a website but building my own so I can get my brand out there. I think knowing how to create a successful website that is professional and crisp will help in the long run. I wanted to know more about Mood Boards and how to create professional looking Mood Boards that is why I chose the video “Mood Boards for Designers.”

By reading the two articles and watching the one video I was able to learn several things I didn’t know. For example, I knew we would be making a professional portfolio and I had an idea of what would be going on it but after reading the article “Creating a Successful Online Portfolio” I knew the do’s and don’t of creating the portfolio. I learned about usability terms and issues to be aware of, I was able to learn more about CSS, HTML, DOM, and JavaScript properties, rules, and elements I didn’t know before reading the article. The video I watched gave me a better idea of what to put on the Mood Board such as the colors, fonts, designs, etc. Mood Boards are visual kits to present to clients on new projects so they can give you feedback on what they’re looking for. The Mood Board gives you the chance to explain to client why you chose these ideas and so on, then they can give you their input and you can put together a professional clean project.

I think I can defiantly use what I learned from these articles in my portfolio project this week. Now I have the knowledge of what to do and what not to do on my portfolio. I can create myself a Mood Board to lay out my ideas so I can see them without putting it all together, then I can pick and choose what I want to keep and change. I gained a lot more knowledge and got some great ideas from the articles I chose.

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