Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week 3 Project: Portfolio Skeleton

Here is the link to my portfolio.

I feel confident with the making of the portfolio however; I wish I knew how to create better-looking logos and digital art to add to my portfolio. I don’t have much experience in making such things as of yet I am new to most of what I have been learning so I am basically learning as I go. Some of my instructors have given me access to websites that will help me gain more skills it’s just finding the time to be able to sit down and try to create. The portfolio submissions for MCBS are great ways to learn how to improve your skills and work you have already submitted I feel they are important to my success. I think my home page and about me section are strong areas on my portfolio. The first place I go when I read someone’s portfolio is the home page because that is where you land when getting into the site and the about me section so I can know some about the person I could be choosing for a job. I think I need to work more on my portfolio page because I stated earlier I would like to be able to create some better looking logos and digital art to add to my portfolio. I plan on taking our holiday breaks to sit down and learn more on how to create better images. I am proud of what I created here, I have created website in the past but I really like the turn out of this one and the one we did in week 2 they look professional and I am surprised at how well I was able to put something together in such a short amount of time.

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