Monday, October 27, 2014

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Self-Evaluation

Hello Class,

I really enjoyed taking this class this month. The website we built was fun, but also had it’s frustrating times. I went into this assignment with a great attitude on how the outcome would be and it ended up turning out pretty good for the second website I have ever built. I believe going into everything you do with a good attitude will result in a better outcome. I need to still work on finding what works best for each individuals needs and the needs of the client. I feel I did everything that was asked by the client however, I wish I would’ve had a little more time to come up with some of my own ideas to present to the client to see how it would have worked for them and their needs on the website. I want to learn more about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I feel that having knowledge of making websites will strengthen my portfolio and needs of potential clients and employers. There are several different things I will be looking into further on our holiday breaks when I can sit down and focus only on the different things I want to learn. I think if I would have done some more research on other websites out there to get a feel for what other people are including on their websites I could have made a stronger website. In the future I think I will focus on looking on other websites that are similar to the clients and focus on the key points of the websites to get ideas to put together to make mine stronger. I will also sit down and make a blue print of what I know needs to be on it and suggestions of things I think will make the website even better than what the client is asking for. As for this being the first website I have worked on in over 13 years I think I did an overall good job and I am proud of the outcome. I appreciate all the feedback from the instructor and fellow students, I feel the feedback I got was good and helped me to strengthen my knowledge and ideas for upcoming websites.
Mandee Rodriguez

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