Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reflection: RISE Peer Review

Here is the link to Larry’s Project.

Hello Larry,
I will be doing your review for this week. After looking over your website I have to say you did a really good job. I thought the colors on your services and about page were awesome they stuck out and fit well. The pictures were all related to the business you were creating the website. You included all the information one would need to know to get services there. All the contact information was listed in an easy place to find. I would suggest to use brighter color on the home page so it grabs the attention better of the visitor.  Another suggestion would be to perhaps add another page to the website with the contact information and a section where potential clients could leave their information if they would like to be contacted about services.

I am not sure the situation about the social media accounts however, I would include more than just Facebook to the website and if all the owner has is Facebook I would suggest to open more social media accounts because it would bring in more business and let other who might know someone who is in need of their services that they are around and able to help.
All in all I think you did a great job on the website. I know for most of us this was a first creating a website for a client. This was the second web site I have ever made the first one I made was 15 years ago, things have changed a lot since then. I wish you the best of luck on your journey here at Full Sail and I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Mandee Rodriguez

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